LPG in bulks for households
Choose complete independence from the network and opt for LPG stored in a bulk next to your house.
Choose complete independence from the network and opt for LPG stored in a bulk next to your house.
Get an environmentally friendly way to heat your household.More
Suitable for the users who are new to LPG and want an independent, environmentally friendly and versatile energy supply.
Are you a user of Plinarna Maribor liquefied petroleum gas? Here you can find all the information you need to use LPG in gas storage facilities more efficiently and safely.
Report your gas meter reading in the last five days of the current month:
Uporabniški portal MojPlin vam omogoča hiter in enostaven vnos števčnega stanja, opomnik vnosa porabe, pregled odčitkov in mesečne porabe, pregled izstavljenih računov in prikaz stanja odprtih postavk.
na e-naslov:
po pošti z oddajo Obrazca za popis števca porabe UNP iz plinohrama na poštni naslov: Plinarna Maribor d.o.o., Plinarniška ulica 9, 2000 Maribor
Discover the key benefits of using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for heating in your home.
It is a reliable and network-independent source of energy.
You can replace it with natural gas or vice versa at any time and at minimal cost. It is also user-friendly, allowing easy regulation and control of consumption.
Natural gas is a cleaner burning fossil fuel as it does not pollute the air or groundwater. When burned, it produces fewer greenhouse gases and air pollutants.
Prihranite prostor, saj lahko utekočinjen naftni plin hranite zunaj stanovanjskega objekta v plinohramu (nadzemnem ali podzemnem oziroma vkopanem v zemljo). Tudi plinske naprave ne zavzamejo veliko prostora.
Ekonomično in hitro ogrevanje, saj ima utekočinjen naftni plin visoko kurilno vrednost in maksimalni izkoristek energije.
Plinarna Maribor vam zagotavlja celovito rešitev “na ključ”, v kolikor se odločite za uporabo utekočinjenega naftnega plina v svojem gospodinjstvu.
The solution includes:
The gas can be used for heating, cooling, preparation of the domestic hot water and cooking. All gas storage tanks we use are designed, manufactured, inspected and approved in accordance with the applicable regulations in force in the Republic of Slovenia.
Ne le, da bomo za vzdrževanje plinohrama in zadostno zalogo UNP skrbeli mi – Plinarna Maribor, kot vaš dobavitelj plina – prevzamemo tudi skrb za izvedbo zakonsko predpisanih pregledov.
Plinarna Maribor, s svojo ekipo strokovnjakov in dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na področju plinske tehnike, izvaja storitve na različnih področjih.
Preverite nasvete za varno uporabo UNP v plinohramih in kako poteka njihovo vzdrževanje.
If you need any information and assistance on how to use our products, feel free to contact us
CONTACT US +386 2 22 843 00